Боевые шахматы логотип
Вторник, 22.10.2024

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Classic chess online team tournament ATTENTION! We remind you that any team consisting of four or more players can participate in the team tournaments at our chess portal.

Tournament description:

  1. Any team consisting of 6 or more players is allowed to participate in the tournament;
  2. The period of registration for the tournament is March 10, 2010 - March 17, 2010 inclusive;
  3. The team is registered to participate in the tournament by the team leader. After the submission of the application and up to the end of the registration period he/she can change the composition of the team at his/her own discretion. Each team member registered by the team leader must confirm his/her participation in the tournament. A team member cannot add himself/herself as a participant but can withdraw if he/she wishes so;
  4. Six players participate from each team (if the number of confirmed players is different from 6 the team cannot take part in the tournament);
  5. The team leader of each team can substitute 3 players during the tournament;
  6. The beginning of the first tour is March 17, 2010;
  7. The first tour consists of team rounds. The teams are divided into groups at random. The number of groups and the number of teams in each group depend on the number of the participating teams. Attention! All games in groups start simultaneously at the time of the beginning of the first tour! The three teams scoring maximum points in their group acquire the right to participate in the second tour;
  8. The second tour consists of the rounds among the winner teams of each of the groups from the first tour;
  9. The super finals consist of the rounds between the teams, which took the first or the second place in the final tour group.
  10. More details on team tournaments.
  11. Awards for the prize winning places are calculated after the end of the tournament.

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