Here, you can find answers to the Frequently Asked Questions about the Battle Chess project. If you fail to find objects of your interest here or on the other pages of the portal, e-mail us!
Castling in the battle chess is the same as in the classic one.
Yes, it is valid during the game. However, it is not valid for the very first move in the game.
Yes. Having registered, you will get access to the game services on the Battle Chess portal. Registration means that you automatically become our Club member.
The main difference is the number of games a Club member may play simultaneously, a possibility to take part in tournaments including those with prices, the availability and duration of a vacation, etc. For more details on status of the Battle Chess Club members, click here.
If a player insults you this or that way or interferes with your presence at the web site, you can blacklist this player or discuss his/her behaviour at the forum.
To make a castling you should move the King to the required square, and the Rook will automatically move to its place.
If you are sure there was a technical fault during the game use the “complain about the game” function (in the right-hand column at the game page). The game will be reviewed and if necessary it will be returned one move before the fault. Only more or less significant games are reviewed currently, that is tournaments of the BULLET and LONG type (LIGHTNING TC games are not reviewed).
Try reloading the page (CTRL + F5) or open the game in another web browser.
Most likely a flash player plug-in is not installed in your browser. To install a flash player plug-in for your Firefox, Safari or Opera web browser you need to click on the "agree and install now" button at this page. For the Internet Explorer web browser you need to click the "agree and install now" button at this page.
A player can make moves in any time convenient for him/her. If their time runs out, they will lose, that is why idle time for him/her is also fraught with consequences. If you doubt that an opponent will play on, ask him/her personally through a personal message with a question about this game, or write in the game chat.
These games will not be reviewed. Only the games with a technical fault are reviewed.
Perhaps we talk here about the game with Fischer Delay time control (for instance, it can be denoted as “Fish 5+1”), where with each move players’ time increases.
You can familiarize with TC here:
If you play with a TC without increments, but your opponent’s time still increases, check if you have a flash player plug-in.
Players with a  and  status can conceal their presence at the site. You can look at other possibilities of statuses here.
You can only buy a  status. After its purchase the time duration for the  status will be recalculated. For example, if you had a 5* status active for half a year, then after buying a one week long  status, the latter will be recalculated as a 3 months long  status.
Depending on your status you can play a certain number of games simultaneously. If this limit is exhausted you will not be able to create another invitation. You can see the number of games you can play simultaneously with your status here:
In the status possibilities there is a limit given for the overall number of simultaneously played games. It does not matter whether these are battle chess or classical chess games.
Some topics can be closed either because there was an exhaustive answer provided, or because there is no point in the further discussion of the topic. There are no specific limitations for the forum participants, you are always free to launch a new topic or post a message in an existing one.
If you need just to post a picture in the message text, use the “picture” option in the new posting interface. Please note, that there is no possibility to upload a file to this forum, that is why the file must be at an external server, after which you will only have to write the path to it.
If you need to highlight a topic in the list of topics (for example, so that an exclamation mark stands next to it) in the same interface there is a switch “type of the topic”. Choose the necessary option there.
In this forum one cannot upload a picture from a local computer. So first post it at another server (for example,, after that use the “picture” function in the message creation interface and indicate the path to the required file.
The status is credited after the end of the tournament.
You can have a look at the tournament schedule.
You can learn more details about the conditions of a certain tournament in its corresponding section “Description, awards and prizes of the tournament).
The information about the completion of the tournament is published at the web site main page.
If there are 1-2 games left in a tournament you can sign up for the completion of these games with a function “Inform me of the end of the game” (in the right-hand column of the game page).
After registration for a tournament you cannot withdraw your application.
In team tournaments it is necessary to confirm one’s participation in a game, and a player can withdraw from the tournament at one’s own free will prior to confirmation.
During the game itself, if you for some reason cannot continue the game the team leader is entitled to a one-time substitution of a player (p. 13):
Tournaments start at Moscow time (3rd time zone).
You can see the precise time at the top left-hand corner of the web site.

Registered players: | 41225 |
Active users: | 15 |
Players online: | 82 |
Teams: | 44 |
Battle games played: | 162816 |
Classic games played: | 253097 |
Current battle games: | 0 |
Current classic games: | 0 |
Battle setups in database: | 63919 |
