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Final round of the tournament has finished Classic chess online: Mikhail Tal Memorial

Classic chess online: Mikhail Tal MemorialFinal round of the tournament has finished Classic chess online: Mikhail Tal Memorial. Congratulations to winners who make their way to the Superfinal.

Happy birthday!

Today (11.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: 59rus, Gamer1958, Anatolik, asilak, iphone78, Lamer_72, alexfers, Tmur, Ttt, kadyhov11, лосось, Нинчик-блинчик, Artem86rus. Азербайджан: Kenan, musa. Гаити: peska. Украина: Kudaranai.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (10.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 30 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: Буба_Касторский, bokser123, igoreklazo, Райан_Купер, вини, fktrcfylh007, rail30, черный1, iPetrov, vidok3333, 007, 003, NikolayGross, amigo_san, Диагност, allexmak, shebatkovs, макмакмакмак, Kalinka, папа-папа, Schmaker, luks. Украина: Edelis, Никифорыч, activsonarss. Армения: vorogait. Израиль: dimanep. Казахстан: lesmiras. Киргизия: Munan. Узбекистан: yarash.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Final round of the tournament has finished Tournament Monthly Battle chess online Series Blitz 31.10.2010

Tournament Monthly Battle chess online Series Blitz 31.10.2010Final round of the tournament has finished Tournament Monthly Battle chess online Series Blitz 31.10.2010. Congratulations to winners who make their way to the Superfinal.

Happy birthday!

Today (10.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: Каркарыч, АгентСмит007, Avtoritet111, Lustrator, VeZlod, Захар, Колаха2010, Andrew402, suren70, pakson, Black-panterka. Украина: 96SeifeR69, LastRequiem. Бахрейн: chepita. Великобритания: bear. Германия: Hoffmann. Грузия: khachat. Израиль: oreshek.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (09.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 19 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: ksuyha-muha, Boss9555, Black-panterka, вова, ALEKSKSL, Evgenii, chalce, влад82, ksh, Odin88888, Garry, филин, Wowan, Jhiharka1994, flashzeus. Украина: прокопвет, igogoru, robert33a, uncle.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Happy birthday!

Today (09.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: McDuck, БСФ, Dama, Зубоний, chess, Vengeance, oskar56, эмиль, Virr, nechothucha, Ganzalles, ферзя. Молдова: HoLoD, Victor_Fesic. Украина: Tragik-, Rastaman. Антигуа и Барбуда: justt123. Казахстан: kazanowa.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (08.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 29 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: Grossmister, ideal-ist, Piter_Brator, rom4615, ladia, Sylor, a_belenky, milman_se, Umbra7, TVD, killer1, Артур97, Толян, Neil, armanchik, Rumiaka, SCHOTYA, ledinh, K2, Heartless_Girl, odin49, de_kote, Анна_Андерсон. Украина: g_ray, Vitgorch, TOBIK, BogdanIvanovu4. Казахстан: 1909петр. Соединенные Штаты Америки: MikeBlg.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Classic chess online tournament has started

Classic chess onlineDescription: The tournament consists of 2 rounds:
Round 1 consists of a circular chess games (i.e. each playing each) in groups. Groups are created automatically after registration.
Games begin after completion of the registration.
Second round consists of circular games among the winners in each of first round groups.
Superfinal can be attended by winners of final round in each group.

Happy birthday!

Today (08.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: yako, SeregaVolgograd, denis2010, Force, 12345, AllFucker, Appolon, aleksey0812, jungle, 12345reds, rustic, Robert7, mavil, devoro72, Kolhida, XX_MAN, ботан, Jems. Украина: den081289, helios. Казахстан: Баадер. Узбекистан: Путин.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (07.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 12 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: gumerovniyaz, taralex, Dima_kuznecov, Алекс-72, Fillip_J_Fry, Lapsha, soso82, socol73, nexiko, Irstern, Stime. Беларусь: gtfkip.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Happy birthday!

Today (07.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: танк, DZIRTY, Ludmila, Alelekov, ept-boy, Toshik, T9lmbl4_kot, Thinker, Гриб, yarik13, c_file, waran, Makaveli, sergmeg, GiGGaBiT, Zagovora, Romario78, Azat777. Украина: Рис, КазанТип. Австралия: vigour. Беларусь: svk.

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