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Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (30.12.2013) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 5 new members of the club. New members are: : vesna, Shift, nox1k, yuriy-r. : medius. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (29.12.2013) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 4 new members of the club. New members are: : _Вадим, Arina. : dk43. : ElijahAks. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (28.12.2013) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 2 new members of the club. New members are: : harms, Nikolai. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Happy birthday!
Today (28.12.2013) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated: : Drag, Max, хороший. Congratulations!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (27.12.2013) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 9 new members of the club. New members are: : DinamoM, bpi-57, n1k1ta, чеглок, S777, sinner10rus, gordon, cehlida. : sosho. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Happy birthday!
Today (27.12.2013) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated: : Лис. Congratulations!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (26.12.2013) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 5 new members of the club. New members are: : fond-59, ysnetskoy, x-hunter, romantos. : luchosa. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (25.12.2013) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 9 new members of the club. New members are: : Эвтибида, Atyen, MrPhilin, БОРВЕНТОЛ, Quqazz, qwerty, hz01. : qweepy. : StipaDVD. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
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