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Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (06.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 19 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: AFERIST, aPike, Magdementor, akim84, RETrus, Exegor, krasukov, Magrib, gralex, nepcuk, Somik, Валя, Rock71. Украина: MIHAIL62, asafar, MC_Udav, arhimed. Грузия: nato. Латвия: Zaga.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Happy birthday!

Today (06.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: FagoT, Lapo-chka, grinvas, Natalee, RUDK, zarly, LUKAS, А_Александрович, babr, VikTory, LordKmon, WR76, ULF, lee1958, Lain, Dima73. Беларусь: mrrook, Vitaliy-gb. Армения: vtoros. Казахстан: saylar. Украина: makasarash. Эстония: vik112.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (05.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 26 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: Romashkafake, Корсар, matix, myname, Фома, DeathGod, Boss2121, Savin, borvik, Artem86rus, RoShMaRiK, Морозов, Kamaz8, Ингвар. Украина: Piratik, Pavlik-ua, donfavor, Khan. Беларусь: bubba, MConstant. Казахстан: ata_1944, игорёшка. Молдова: marian_cik, kovaldi. Армения: aramaxper. Болгария: ranko.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Final round of the tournament has finished Online Battle Chess: In commemoration of Minin and Pozharsky

Online Battle Chess: In commemoration of Minin and PozharskyFinal round of the tournament has finished Online Battle Chess: In commemoration of Minin and Pozharsky. Congratulations to winners who make their way to the Superfinal.

Happy birthday!

Today (05.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: метанол, Sanek, Joshua, kot, sSnake, kidko, awdei717, Лидия5, panpan, NArik, PoMaHoBu4, АрсенийА, Rvrik, karachun, jasha, Оглоед, blogknot, Мау, друид. Армения: Samo. Украина: lisvlad.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (04.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 22 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: lumi, ROKwen, ZOI, kvv, хонгильдо, kakanaka, BcTpOuk, LIK, gym, sisoev_ilia, Татьяна, king555, tibik, hammerock, СТМ, ПаРаЦиТоМоЛ, гром, Kain. Украина: masson, FOX007, Greenpees. Армения: Ruzanna.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Happy birthday!

Today (04.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: levon, pozitivboy, favro, Gizborn, avramenko, VooDoo, Spilller, advakot, servantes, misha104, gabrusandrei, Pdui, lifeiscool, дан, похкто, Virtune, EgorFedulkin. Казахстан: leo-1. Молдова: Olegator_2009. Украина: brunetka.

Qualifying round of the tournament has finished Tournament Monthly Battle chess online Series Blitz 31.10.2010

Tournament Monthly Battle chess online Series Blitz 31.10.2010Qualifying round of the tournament has finished Tournament Monthly Battle chess online Series Blitz 31.10.2010. Congratulations to winners who make their way to the final round.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (03.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 20 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: Boddo, друид, serg050982, chura, eretyk, Vlad123, Кошачий_Ус, Портос17, MagiusRW, dgon, Silver, ВЛАДЯ, Ивес, Winnie, Doktor, Vologod, Денистол. Украина: Nachtigal, Jazzman. Грузия: erikizelyov.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Happy birthday!

Today (03.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated:
Россия: leochameleo, Evgenii, anton3127, Ульф, wandel, keylo, sanafan, arkub, DataLife, sidvishes, topper-harley, Lama7771, lenka-penka, ridevskiy, monogrind, Onuris, Aquila, manaxov83, Gella, Prowler, Сашеночка. Украина: svaroq, rumoran, V1peR. Казахстан: gray.

Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess

For the last day (02.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 18 new members of the club. New members are:
Россия: лбитель, Сандро2010, GERMES1971, orona, EV, HapkoMaH, spunch_bob, greyguy, Arch, DeMind, nord-alex, Alexey12, макс455. Украина: m1ha, konstantin, Gromogol, aktrisa. Казахстан: NNN.
Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!

Battle chess online tournament has started

Battle chess onlineDescription: The tournament consists of 2 rounds:
Round 1 consists of a circular chess games (i.e. each playing each) in groups. Groups are created automatically after registration.
Games begin after completion of the registration.
Second round consists of circular games among the winners in each of first round groups.
Superfinal can be attended by winners of final round in each group.

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