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Battle chess online tournament has started
Description: The tournament consists of 2 rounds: Round 1 consists of a circular chess games (i.e. each playing each) in groups. Groups are created automatically after registration. Games begin after completion of the registration. Second round consists of circular games among the winners in each of first round groups. Superfinal can be attended by winners of final round in each group.
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (29.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 17 new members of the club. New members are: : Gagarin174, kOX-ik, freddy_kruger, Тиеру, Лэрт_Раота, ggg, marusechka, youour, mitya13. : unbelievable, F1LoSoF, anis1234. : Samvel61. : lasha123455. : SwapnilA. : stasyn. : 060600rus. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Happy birthday!
Today (29.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated: : VOLT, aleks299, reinrock, kaban, Aidyn1953, yur, рома22, гоша, Nikolay, Volniy. : vladur, bemon. : IGOR321. : tolik159. : Rezya. Congratulations!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (28.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 18 new members of the club. New members are: : Nezh, Vinrael, Владислав, neksis, Ден, Bazell, fas1983, BattleChessMiss, Cirill, Кокос, dimon77, gelich, Лекъ, мегапихарь. : BeardedBeer, kila_vat. : Ausschwitz. : vetalsimf. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Happy birthday!
Today (28.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated: : berliozz, Barsalon, WinstonLight, coach2812, Звездочет, арсений_бикеев, Алексеев-Денис, outu, Круглый1, Круглый2, DimaKirk. : Zombi, Alban_98. : Makedonskii. Congratulations!
Congratulations upon registration for new members of Battle Chess
For the last day (27.12.2010) on the chess portal Battle Chess have registered 17 new members of the club. New members are: : Свиблово, realdex, soleilei, maniakwar, peregovorjik, Lordgapon, aleksei063, aleksei163, KatLight, dj848, lLOM, Cyrax. : rosomaxa. : Баха. : bborisbrboris. : hamster. : hmmars. Congratulations upon successful registration for newcomers!
Happy birthday!
Today (27.12.2010) on the chess portal «Battle Chess» birthday celebrated: : Лис, Горняк, saechka, ZoAlex, makaka10, Х-trimal, FUCK-YOU-BABY, Stix, ku4molodec, Hopeless, Somik, mr_green. : protsiv13, retro55, Forget-me-not. : Gregory. : D1ON1S. Congratulations!
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Registered players: | 41218 |
Active users: | 13 |
Players online: | 700 |
Teams: | 44 |
Battle games played: | 162816 |
Classic games played: | 253097 |
Current battle games: | 0 |
Current classic games: | 0 |
Battle setups in database: | 63919 |